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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 2 Calendar view

Politics of the European Union-MA 2022_Ursula

Ursula Tokaji-Nagy
No access code required

This module aims to analyse the political and legal dynamics of European integration and of the specificities of the European Union (EU) institutions. Students will critically assess the process of European integrations and the challenges to it the EU decision-making process and the impact of the EU in a global society. Students will critically evaluate main policies and practice of policy-making in the EU system and their impact on the Member States. This module will assist students to develop an ability to apply the abstract concepts of EU Policies and Politics to real world examples drawn from current controversies within the EU. Students will analyse the key challenges facing the European Union in the 21st century. Special attention will be paid to the future of the EU and the EU’s international relations.
Due to the analytical and practical scope of the module makes, students will apply a thorough theoretical understanding of European Union rules to practical cases in the development of European integration, the institutions, and competences of the EU, the adoption of secondary measures, the internal market, competition law, and legal enforcement. Students will be asked to tackle problems which span multiples potential topics. This module aims to give the student an ability to apply the advanced theories of the EU to real world examples drawn from current controversies within the EU.

Level 7 

Credits: 10 ECTS, 20 UK credits

Module leader: Beata Froehlich; Ursula Tokaji-Nagy

Office hour: Fridays 9:00am to 11:00am

Assessment methods

Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Develop in-depth knowledge and skills in the systematic understanding of the EU creation, raison d'être and development;

LO2. Critically investigate and evaluate European Union Institutions;

LO3. Research, interpret and investigate critically EU decision-making process, enforcement of EU law and judicial review;

LO4. Identify and examine critically current developments in Europe and the EU’s external relations.


For more details, please see the attached MSG: MA_(L7)_EU_MSG_AY2021-22_(1)(2)(2).pdf  


Here is the class outline:

1. Join meeting online

Join Meeting Online

2. Week 1 - Introduction to the Module

Week description
Materials for the Week

3. Week 2 - The European Project: Chronological sequence, European Economic Community. In Class Form...

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Materials for the Week

4. Week 3 - Treaty making I: A glimpse at the history of treaty making. Treaty of Lisbon, Nice, Amst...

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Materials for the Week

5. Week 4 - Treaty making II: Treaties in force. Treaty on European Union and Treaty on the function...

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6. Week 5 - Charter of the fundamental rights of EU. Anti-discrimination.

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7. Week 6 - The European Commission

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Materials for the Week

8. Week 7 - The European Council. In Class Individual Formative Presentation on the topics of the Po...

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Materials for a Week

9. Week 8 - The European Parliament. In Class Individual Formative Presentation on the topics of the...

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Materials for a Week

10. Week 9 - Judicial Review. Justice Institutions. Finance and advisory institutions. Summative Asse...

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Materials for a Week

11. Week 10 - Single European Market

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Materials for a Week

12. Week 11 - Economic and Monetary Union. EU Competition Law.

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Materials for a Week

13. Week 12 -Enlargement

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Materials for a Week

14. Week 13 - External Relations. Summative Assessment: In Class Exercise.

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Materials for a Week

15. Week 14 - Enforcement. Brexit. Course Wrap-up.

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Materials for a Week