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Spring semester - BA - IR - Year 3 Calendar view

Political Dynamics of Human Rights-MA_2022_Ursula

Ursula Tokaji-Nagy
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The main objectives of this module are to present the full spectrum of the human rights laws and institutions and their compatibility with human rights issues and develop the capacity of perceiving and analysing different political and social affairs from the human rights perspective.
The first part of the module is dedicated to the history and scope of human rights. Students learn to differentiate the human rights dimensions and to discuss their importance in the contemporary world. The module presents and discusses the full spectrum of human rights instruments. The students become acquainted with international and regional institutional framework of human rights and with the role of civil society in the human right area. Second part of the module, capitalises on the knowledge acquired in the first half of the semester and moves to more critical perception of human rights and their universality. Consequently, the module deals with the global human rights issues of the 21st century, such as torture, genocide, transitional justice, terrorism and migration. Upon completion of the module students will be able to conduct analyses of different contemporary issues from the human rights perspective.



Level 7 

Credits: 10 ECTS; 20 UK 

Module leader: Beata Froehlich, Ursula Tokaji-Nagy

Office hour: Fridays 9:00am to 11:00am

Assessment methods

Learning Outcome

At the end of the module the student shall have:

  1. Critical understanding of the human rights laws and the process of their ratification
  2. Critical understanding of the human rights institutions – international, regional and non-governmental
  3. An ability to effectively discuss the role of different human rights institutions vis-à-vis the contemporary global issues
  4. Ability to use the acquired knowledge to analyse human rights situations in a given country with the support of the relevant resources.



For more details, please see the attached MSG: MA_(L7)_HR_MSG_AY2021-22-Ursula(3).pdf


Here is the class outline:

1. Join Meeting Online

Online Meeting

2. Week 1 - Development of the Human Rights Regime in 20th century

Week description
Materials for the Week

3. Week 2 - Civil rights

Week description
Materials for the Week

4. Week 3 - Economic and social rights

Week description
Materials for the Week

5. Week 4 - UN Human Rights System

Week description
Materials for the Week

6. Week 5 - Regional Human Rights Regimes

Week description
Materials for the Week

7. Week 6 - Civil Society and Human Rights

Week description
Materials for the Week

8. Week 7 -Mid –term review

Week description

9. Week 8 - Challenges to universalism of human rights

Week description
Materials for the Week

10. Week 9 - Human Rights and Foreign Policy

Week description
Materials for the Week

11. Week 10 - Human Rights, Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility

Week description
Materials for the Week

12. Week 11 - Genocide and humanitarian intervention

Week description
Materials for the Week

13. Week 12 - Torture

Week description
Materials for the Week

14. Week 13 - War on Terrorism

Week description
Materials for the Week

15. Week 14 - Human Rights and Migration

Week description
Materials for the Week