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Spring semester - BA - IBM - Year 4 Calendar view

International Market Plan (2022-2023)

Vera Champagne
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

BA (Yr 4 )
Core (International Business Management) / (Marketing and Adverting)

Credits: 10 ECTS

Module Leader: Dr. Vera Champagne

Office hours: Wednesday 11:30 am to 13:30 am or by appointment 



Summative Assessment: International Market plan (100%)

During the semester and before submitting the final plan, you will have an opportunity to present your plan or sections in class.

You will be able to obtain feedback and incorporate it into your final submission. See assessment support in the outline

Submission date is week 15: Monday, 29th of May 2023, by 23h59 via NEO. 

Make sure you use the MIUC assignment template!



Marking Grid



Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

LO1. Analyse segments by behaviour, attitude and opinions as well as demographics and lifestyle data

LO2. Evaluate critically the macro-environment factors and debate their implications on selecting entry markets

LO3. Evaluate direct and indirect competitors by core competencies and critical success factors

LO4. Propose an international marketing plan for top management.


Module Study Guide
For more detail, please download the attached MSG: 



Course picture:

MaxPixel's contributors (n.d.) Earth Hands World Global Offer [image].

Here is the class outline:

Join the class online & Presentation

Link to online class and Module overview

Join the class online
Module Study Guide

Week 1 - Module organization and introduction

Welcome to our international Marketeers!

Week 1: Module organisation and introduction

Week 2 - The scope and challenge of International Marketing

An overview of international marketing in a global business environment.

Week 2: The Scope and challenges of International Marketing

Week 3 - Economic environment and International trade

International decisions in the global trade market deals with the global rules of trading between nations

Week 3: Economic environment and international trade

Week 4 - Social and cultural considerations in international marketing

An appreciation of the origins of culture in the preparation of a market plan

Week 4: Social and cultural considerations in International Marketing

Week 5 - The political environment

No company can conduct business without considering the influence of the political environment within which it will operate.

Week 5: The political environment

Week 6 - The international legal environment

A view on some methods, regulations, and legal aspects when carrying out international trade at global level

Week 6: The international legal environment

Week 7 - International market research and information systems

Information is the key component in developing successful marketing strategies.

Week 7: International Market research

Week 8 - Multinational market regions and market groups

Assessing global market opportunities

Week 8: Multinational markets and market groups

Week 9 - Planning and managing market entry strategies and products

Implications of offering an international service or product and their effect on our planning from local to global level.

Week 9: Planning and market entry strategy

Week 10 - Global distribution and pricing

A focus on two key elements of marketing when implementing international market plans: the logistics and the pricing

Week 10: Global distribution and Pricing

Week 11 - International Promotion, Sales, and Negotiation

Communication, promotion, and advertising at international level

Week 11: International promotion, sales and negotiation

Week 12 - International marketing: planning, implementation and control (I)

An overview of the international global marketing process from planning and organization

Week 12: Planning implementation and control _ Part I

Week 13 - International marketing: planning, implementation and control (II)

Continuation of previous week, with a focus on control and negotiation.

Week 13: Planning, implementation and control _ Part II

Week 14 - International Market plan presentation and preparation for submission

Presentation and final feedback on final-term assessment

Week 14: International Markt plan presentation for feedback