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Fall semester - MA - MGIMO Calendar view

Economics of Public Policy - MGIMO

Ming-Jin Jiang
Enrolment for this class is currently closed.

MGIMO Master (Core)

Level 7 (MGIMO)

Credits: 2 ECTS

Module leader: Ming-Jin Jiang

Office hour: Fridays 12:00 to 14:00

Economics of Public Policy
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 to 13:00 pm (Education classroom)

Join using Google Meet:

Assessment methods

  • A1 - In-class exercise (10%)
    • This assessment requires you to analyse whether a certain policy is necessary, and how it relates to the government’s objective function.

    • Marking Grids: A1_EPP_marking_grids(2).pdf
  • A2 - In-class exercise (10%)
  • A3 - In-class exercise (10%)
    • This assessment requires you to analyse whether a certain policy is necessary, and how it relates to the government’s objective function.
    • Marking Grids: A3_EPP_marking_grids(2).pdf
  • A4 - Policy Analysis (70%)

Learning Outcome

At the end of the module you will be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of public economics and public finance (Assessment 1 and 4)

LO2. Critically evaluate the impacts and the effectiveness of a public policy taking into account all relevant information (Assessment 3 and 4)

LO3. Solve economic and public policy problems under various scenarios (Assessment 4)

LO4. Apply and manipulate economic models, and to read and communicate effectively the empirical literature, in the area of public policy (Assessment 2 and 4)


For more detail, please see the attached MSG: /files/100570/MGIMO_(L7)_S1_(IR)_EPP_MSG_AY2021-22.pdf


Here is the class outline:

Week 1

Introduction to the module

Introduction to the module

Week 2

Why do governments exist? – Government Objective and Externalities

Why do governments exist? – Government Objective and Externalities

Week 3 and 4

Why do governments exist? – Government Objective and Public Goods

Why do governments exist? – Government Objective and public goods

Week 5 and 6

Week 5 and 6: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis
In-class discussion: Cost-benefit analysis on Child Vaccination

Week 7, 8 and 9

Political Economy

Political Economy

Week 10 and 11

The Multiplier Model and Fiscal Policy

The Multiplier Model nd Fiscal Policy

Week 12

Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy

Week 13

The Institutions and Theory of Taxation

Week 12+13 - The Institutions and Theory of Taxation

Week 14

Government Failure

Week 14 - Government Failure - Why public policy sometimes does not work?

Week 9

Social Insurance

Political Economy_continued

Week 9

Social Insurance_Continued

Week 12

Globalisation and Trade

Week 11 - Globalisation and Trade